Sunday, May 26, 2013

Car repairs with their own hands

The modern car - mechanically complex device, stuffed with various electronics, and at first glance, to be thrust under the hood with a wrench himself - hopeless task. However, not all so sad. There are a number of works that are able to run any car owner who can distinguish the spanners from carob and understanding in what direction to unscrew the nut. All the car break down can be divided into two main groups - failures caused due to problems with electronic filling your car and damage associated with mechanical malfunction of components and assemblies. In the first case without the services of a qualified person can not do - repair of automotive electronics is simply impossible without computer troubleshooting. But in the latter case, much can be done independently. If a fault occurs in the first place you need to determine which of the units of the automobile is out of order. Then, after an accurate diagnosis, there are two ways to repair - give the car for a hundred or remove the faulty unit and give yourself a repair is not the whole machine, namely, the faulty node that will be significantly cheaper. What is the benefit? After all, for the work of removing and posleremontnoy install any unit in the workshop with you take the money, and often the cost of mounting and dismounting, such as CPR will be comparable to the cost of repair of the CAT! Why pay money for something that you are able to do and independently? In order to remove the broken node from the car, you'll need the room (garage, shed) from the observation well, a set of tools and a little patience. Very harmless for this to get a good technical description of your car (you can download and in the internet). Now let's go step by step: 1. Before removing the unit is not too lazy to carefully examine the upcoming scope of work, identify all the locking compound. Note the number and placement of threaded connections on your machine and in the manual may be small differences! 2. Unplug all members of the shooting site electrical connectors, hoses and cables. It should be done slowly, carefully remembering that where joined, pads for connector is colored tape mark or special colored markers to the assembly not confuse that to join. 3. Before you unscrew the unit to drain fluid from his technical (from PPC - oil, from the steering rack dekstron it.d.) 4. Unscrewing the retaining assembly bolts and nuts, do not be lazy neatly folded out of prefabricated containers, not throwing bolts in the garage! It often happens that the fastening bolt replaced if lost analog is not easy, but in case of repair of vehicles produced in the United States simply can not (the Americans are not metric and inch thread) 5. Filmed unit should be cleaned from oil, soot and dirt - perhaps you yourself will be able, after a careful examination to understand the cause and fix it without any problems. 6. If the problem on its own did not work, you need to decide where to sit in the repair of a broken node. Typically, specialized repair shops, say, starter / generator is enough in any city and you need to choose a phone shop, ready to undertake repairs on the conditions it would suit you. 7. If the repaired unit is not possible (failure is not compatible with life, or the cost of repair exceeds the cost of the new site) do not rush to buy a new unit - may be able to find a suitable and Parsing. Prices for different stores and Parsing may vary considerably so do not be lazy to ring up a maximum of places where they sell your preferred unit 8. When you purchase a replacement unit should be guided only VIN number of the body and engine, as specified in the certificate of registration of your vehicle. No solemn assurances of friends, all well-wishers and sellers "I've bought and I still felt better a new one!" Do not take into account. If the desired unit is labeled with the same VIN number as in your certificate of registration - unit fits - if not, then do not take chances. 9. When mounting a repaired assembly is not in a hurry, remember that the "extra" parts left over after repairing the vehicle only in the jokes. And most importantly - do not be afraid to do something yourself! Believe me, this is a very exciting and very profitable!