Friday, May 24, 2013

Painting a car body with their hands

Over time, even the best quality paint cars lose their color quality: fade, crack, slazit, deteriorated by corrosion. That makes car owners to address the issue of painting his car. With self-painting cars need to be prepared for the fact that about 90 percent of the entire process will have on the preliminary work, and only 10 percent on the very painting and further drying of the body parts. Before painting the car need to be washed thoroughly - on a clean surface is much easier to see defects in paintwork. Careful examination of the entire vehicle will determine the order that requires a car body paint or a complete enough to implement a local painting. Recommended prior to painting to inspect the bottom, legs and other body parts - if in the near future will need to repair, then painting is better to wait. Convinced of the need to paint the car, you can start preparing the body for this process. It is desirable to paint the body, and then it dried, in parts - separate doors, fenders, hood, what they should be removed. Previously with the body of the car removed all the items that will hinder the implementation of the painting. These elements include gaskets, moldings, locks, and decorative inserts. If we were to paint without removing such elements, the places that paint does not need to be borne by the stencil, paper, cardboard and attached them with masking tape. Protection of such parts from the paint can also serve as petroleum jelly or a special paste (a mixture of glycerin, dextrin, chalk and water). Place a body with flaws in the paint and rust are opened and completely cleaned of rust, then covered with primer. Old paint from the surface of the body is removed by mechanical or chemical means. Mechanical method is the simplest but most time-consuming - peeled off the surface with brushes, skins, scrapers. Not all places at the same time manage to clean off. When chemical method prepares a special solution in which the wetted body parts and paint coming off. After removing the paint, the entire surface of the body a second time cleared of traces of rust and corrosion (mechanical or chemical means) and degreased with white spirit. Quality degreasing should be very high, since not treated field is new in some time lag behind the surface. If necessary, the surface of the body is aligned with putty, but its use is desirable to reduce to a minimum. Zashpatlevannye place after drying, are aligned, degreased and processed by the primer. After doing all these works can proceed to paint. It is best to make a special spray paint. Painted body surface should be done in several stages. The first phase - a verification, in which a thin layer of paint to identify flaws and quality control zashpatlevannyh parts of the body. After eliminating defects through 20 minutes after the first stage, we can apply the main coat. Drying painted parts of the body in any case can not be produced in the sun - it is in the garage or anywhere else indoors for 2-3 days. Perhaps, after painting and drying on the surface of the body will be visible before unnoticed flaws. Such errors are eliminated with the point of processing and re-spot painting of these places.